Measurement Unit : megabit/second

Megabit/second is a measurement unit for computer data rate. Its Symbol is Mbps and alternate name for this unit is Mbit/s. It is not the default Non SI Unit of computer data rate category.

To convert megabit/second to bit/second (Non SI Unit) following formula will be used:

Bit/second = 1/1000000 megabit/second

Non SI Unit for computer data rate is bit/second and scale factor of this measurement unit is 1000000. There are total 18 unit conversions for computer data rate measurement.

Other higher and lower units of Megabit/second are megabit/second

To find out conversion of bit/second to other units, check this table

  • Unit Name : megabit/second
  • Symbol : Mbps
  • Plural Form : megabits/second
  • Alternate Spelling : Mbit/s
  • Unit Type : computer data rate
  • Scale Factor : 1000000
  • SI Unit : bit/second

    1 bit/second = 1.0E-6 megabit/second
  • UNIT Conversion :

    Convert megabit/second : to Go

Megabit/second Conversion Table:

Below is the table for conversion of Megabit/second to other Computer data rate Units

megabit/second Other Units Converter
1 megabit/second 1000000 bit/second Megabit/second to Bit/second
1 megabit/second 125000 byte/second Megabit/second to Byte/second
1 megabit/second 0.00093132245925638 gibibit/second Megabit/second to Gibibit/second
1 megabit/second 0.00011641532182693 gibibyte/second Megabit/second to Gibibyte/second
1 megabit/second 0.001 gigabit/second Megabit/second to Gigabit/second
1 megabit/second 0.000125 gigabyte/second Megabit/second to Gigabyte/second
1 megabit/second 976.5625 kibibit/second Megabit/second to Kibibit/second
1 megabit/second 122.0703125 kibibyte/second Megabit/second to Kibibyte/second
1 megabit/second 1000 kilobit/second Megabit/second to Kilobit/second
1 megabit/second 125 kilobyte/second Megabit/second to Kilobyte/second
1 megabit/second 0.95367431640625 mebibit/second Megabit/second to Mebibit/second
1 megabit/second 0.11920928955078 mebibyte/second Megabit/second to Mebibyte/second
1 megabit/second 0.125 megabyte/second Megabit/second to Megabyte/second
1 megabit/second 9.0949470177293E-7 tebibit/second Megabit/second to Tebibit/second
1 megabit/second 1.1368683772162E-7 tebibyte/second Megabit/second to Tebibyte/second
1 megabit/second 1.0E-6 terabit/second Megabit/second to Terabit/second
1 megabit/second 1.25E-7 terabyte/second Megabit/second to Terabyte/second